Current Program Highlights

Collaboration is Currency for WISHH and its Strategic Partners

WISHH’s attendance at the Soybean Leadership Academy last week affirmed key pillars of WISHH’s new strategic plan. The Soybean Leadership Academy, hosted by ASA, provides a training program for soy industry leaders as well as networking opportunities. One track focused

WISHH Strategic Partners Star in New CNN Africa Feature

ASA/WISHH strategic partner Evans Danso and technical expert Karen Veverica assess Ghana’s growing aquaculture industry in a new CNN feature. WISHH is at the forefront of aquaculture development in sub-Saharan Africa and provides technical support to entrepreneurs such as Danso.

WISHH Releases New ‘Baking with Soy Flour’ Video

ASA/WISHH’s new Baking with Soy Flour educational video shares how bakers can capture the protein power of defatted soy flour in their foods. The new video is a timely resource for bakers in Africa, Asia and Latin America where WISHH

WISHH Hosts Latin American Virtual Trade Team on Soy-Based Foods

Chart photo caption:  Soy tops the Food Industry Meat Alternatives List in Latin America. Source: Innova Market Insights WISHH hosted a virtual trade team of key and potential Latin American customers to raise awareness of U.S. soy protein’s applications in

WISHH Hosts Webinar to Kick Off Kazakhstan Program

Join WISHH on December 6 at 10:00 p.m. CST as WISHH launches its program in Kazakhstan. The Central Asian country is one of WISHH’s newest markets and offers growth potential for U.S. soy in the livestock feed sector. WISHH Asia

WISHH Supports USAID Survey of Sub-Saharan Ag Processing

ASA/WISHH leveraged its relationship with supply chain partners in sub-Saharan Africa to provide real-world insights on the challenges and opportunities facing agricultural processors who are vital to the production of highly nutritious foods that are also affordable and delicious. WISHH,

WISHH-Led Training Strengthens Aquaculture in Africa

ASA/WISHH continues to boost the growth of African aquaculture development this October through its latest trainings for regional entrepreneurs. With the support of USDA Agricultural Trade Promotion (ATP) funds, WISHH is convening 15 entrepreneurs from seven countries across the continent

New Global Food Security Index Underscores the Importance of Protein

Economist Impact released the 10th annual Global Food Security Index (GFSI), which shows that populations with diets that lack quality protein and micronutrients, and where access to drinking water is limited, score worse in food security. Sponsored by Corteva Agriscience, the GFSI

ASA/WISHH Celebrates Ghanaian Egg Secretariat Success

As we prepare for World Egg Day on October 8, ASA/WISHH commends Ghana’s egg and nutrition leaders who are sustaining the momentum for egg nutrition. Ghanaian dietitian Naana Adjei helped create Ghana’s National Egg Campaign Secretariat along with poultry industry

ASA/WISHH’s Early Partnership Pays Off for Pandemic Food Security

Opinion Editorial by former WISHH Chairman David Iverson, a South Dakota soybean grower and United Soybean Board Secretary and Sustainability Target Area Coordinator My 6’4” height fascinated the giggling Guatemalan children, but they quickly overcame their shyness after introductions by

WISHH Cultivates Contacts at GTE for West African Feed Supplier

ASA/WISHH’s Africa team participated in the U.S. Soy Global Trade Exchange & Specialty Grains Conference (GTE) in St. Louis on August 24-26. The GTE was an excellent opportunity for WISHH’s Senegal-based partner, NMA Sanders, to meet with suppliers of U.S.

ASA/WISHH Virtual Coffee Further Connects USDA FAS to WISHH Committee

ASA/WISHH hosted USDA Foreign Agricultural Service staff to a virtual coffee that reinforced the already strong working relationship between WISHH and FAS. WISHH Program Committee members joined the July 16 discussions along with 14 FAS employees, including newly appointed Administrator

African Aquaculture Entrepreneurs Net Another Award

Photo Caption: Evans Danso, recently awarded Best Fish Farmer in Ghana by the Ghanaian Ministry of Food and Agriculture, proudly displays fresh tilapia on his farm in Ghana. Congratulations to WISHH strategic partner Flosell Farms, founded by Evans and Florence

Media Contact

Karen Coble Edwards

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