Current Program Highlights

WISHH Aqua Professionals Graduate in sub-Saharan Africa

WISHH Chair Roberta Simpson-Dolbeare and Treasurer Bob Haselwood honored five young professionals upon their completion of WISHH’s 16-week aquaculture training in Ghana. The May graduates demonstrate how WISHH’s United Soybean Board-supported internship program cultivates innovation and opportunities for the future

West African Poultry Farmer Prefers U.S. Soybean Meal

ASA’s WISHH recognizes May as Trade Month by highlighting its work connecting trade and development with Mathew Bonso, owner of a 50,000-bird flock in Ghana.  “I prefer U.S. soy because I learned about its quality through WISHH,” says Bonso. Shortly

New ASA/WISHH Committee Members Highlight World Trade Month

In conjunction with World Trade Month this May, the American Soybean Association has announced two new members have been appointed to its World Initiative for Soy in Human Health program committee. Soybean growers Heather Feuerstein of Belding, Michigan, and Daniel

WISHH Cambodian Aquaculture Project Hosts U.S. Fish Innovation Lab

This week, ASA’s World Initiative for Soy in Human Health Program’s Cambodian aquaculture project hosted the U.S. Agency for International Development Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish at Mississippi State University. Mark Lawrence, Ph.D., the program’s director, provides activity

WISHH Cultivates Asian Markets for U.S. Soy

Asian market growth is another reason to celebrate April as Soy Foods Month. ASA/WISHH is building new Asian markets for U.S. identity preserved (IP) food soybeans by leveraging USDA program funding with U.S. soy checkoff investments. As a result, tofu

Innovative Technology Trials Begin in Ghana

This week, ASA’s World initiative for Soy in Human Health program began setting up aeration trials at two commercial aquaculture farms in Ghana. Funded by the Nebraska Soybean Board, the trials are conducted to assess the economic viability of using

WISHH Partners with SNI Global for Soy Foods Month

ASA’s World Initiative for Soy in Human Health Program is collaborating with SNI Global for Soy Foods Month this April. SNI Global recognizes the value of U.S. soy in providing high-quality protein. Some of its content in April discusses the

ASA/WISHH to Showcase Value of U.S. Soy at Aquaculture Ghana

The American Soybean Association’s World Initiative for Soy in Human Health Program is joining the Chamber of Aquaculture Ghana (COA) as part of its continuing aquaculture work in Africa. Along with select partners, WISHH will join COA as a platinum

WISHH Visits Asia to see Updates on Soy Food and Feed Projects

The American Soybean Association’s World Initiative for Soy in Human Health Program is traveling to Southeast Asia to receive updates on WISHH’s soy food and feed projects in the region. Led by North Dakota soybean grower and WISHH Program Committee

Cambodian Aquaculturist Association Meeting & Trade Show Draws 200

The Cambodian Aquaculturist Association’s third annual meeting and trade show attracted 200 participants on Dec. 8-9 in Phnom Penh. ASA/WISHH helped launch the now 900-member strong association and continues to work closely with it through the USDA-funded Commercialization of Aquaculture

Media Contact

Karen Coble Edwards

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