WISHH Perspectives

Cambodian Aquaculturist Association Meeting & Trade Show Draws 200

The Cambodian Aquaculturist Association’s third annual meeting and trade show attracted 200 participants on Dec. 8-9 in Phnom Penh. ASA/WISHH helped launch the now 900-member strong association and continues to work closely with it through the USDA-funded Commercialization of Aquaculture for Sustainable Trade -Cambodia Food for Progress Project.

On Dec 8, CAA signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Cambodia’s Royal University of Agriculture to establish a formal mechanism for sharing knowledge, experiences and lessons learned with the RUA’s students at future CAA events. The association also used its meeting to inform members and the public about its growth, plans and policies.

In conjunction with the meeting, private-sector companies showcased their products, and built industry connections at a trade show. Event sponsors represented feed mills and feed distributors, fish processors, and microfinance lending institutions. The CAA sold their designed shirt and hat during the tradeshow as part of their fundraising campaign. CAST displayed and distributed educational guides at the trade show.

CAA and CAST also conducted trainings on quality fingerlings, fish health management and biosecurity. They also facilitated Aller Aqua, a feed company, to share best practices on feed and feeding.  A fish farmer who has benefited from CAST financial services also shared lessons learned from working with CAST’s small loan program.

On Dec 9, CAST and CAA partnered with the Center​ of Excellence​​ on Sustainable Agricultural Intensification and Nutrition at Cambodia’s Royal University of Agriculture to host the field day. Aquaculture value chain members, including fish producers, hatcheries, and students received training from CE SAIN on fish production at CAST’s demonstration pond. In addition, CAST and CAA convened a dialogue between Authority Electricity of Cambodia, Electricité du Cambodge and Fisheries Administration on “Subsidized Electricity Policy in Agriculture, focusing on Aquaculture Sub-sector.” CAA members and RUA students showed strong interest and asked many questions during the dialogue. As a result, CAA members plan to apply for the subsidized electricity discussed during the program.

CAST is a USDA Food for Progress project designed to develop a lasting aquaculture industry in Cambodia that grows demand for soy-based fish feeds. ASA/WISHH leads CAST along with important partners, including the Cambodian government, World Vision Cambodia, CE SAIN, Kansas State University, Auburn University, and others.

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