WISHH Perspectives

World Poultry Foundation Training Videos, Worksheets, and Checklists

The US-based World Poultry Foundation (WPF) has developed a series of online training videos and downloadable training materials to help emerging African poultry farmers learn best practices to optimize their farming operations. The new series of training videos, designed to assist small and mid-size brooding operations and rural farmers, is grouped into four categories: Production: Feed, Water, Litter, Zone of Comfort (brooding); Management: Vaccination, Managing for Success (recordkeeping); Housing: Poultry Housing, Preparing the House, and Biosecurity; and Small-Scale Producer: Household Nutrition, and Backyard Management.

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Soyfoods are Integral to Top Food Trends

Linda Funk, Flavorful Insight  • Sep 21, 2021 Twists and turns in global food and shopping trends have revealed shifts that may benefit the demand for U.S.-grown soy. Soyfoods retain their multifaceted appeal in today’s environment of quickly changing dietary

ASA-WISHH Strategic Partner Prosoya Kenya Stars in USB-funded Training

ASA-WISHH’s newest video explores how strategic partner, Prosoya Kenya, has benefitted from WISHH’s USB-funded Mobilizing Entrepreneurs to Expand U.S. Soy Utilization in Developing and Emerging Markets Initiative. The company has a high-bar mission of bringing its nutritious and affordable foods—including livestock feeds and

Logo of World Initiative for Soy in Human Health