WISHH Perspectives

WISHH Releases New ‘Baking with Soy Flour’ Video

ASA/WISHH’s new Baking with Soy Flour educational video shares how bakers can capture the protein power of defatted soy flour in their foods. The new video is a timely resource for bakers in Africa, Asia and Latin America where WISHH works with a variety of food entrepreneurs.

WISHH developed the new video with U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Market Development funding to explain how soy offers a great protein value as well as taste. The video features Baker’s Growth expert Kirk O’Donnell, Ph.D., who shares more than 35 years of experience. He showcases how soy flour can provide an increased yield, longer shelf life, more pleasing taste and more in delicious baked goods.

Since U.S. soybean farmers founded WISHH in 2000, WISHH has promoted new markets for U.S. soy flour in a wide array of foods, ranging from bread loaves in Uganda to Central American school meals to introducing soy flour to Asian markets.

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Logo of World Initiative for Soy in Human Health