WISHH Perspectives

University of Arkansas Poultry Training Videos

Lecture: Avian Influenza and Virulent Newcastle Disease – YouTube

Dr. Dustan Clark, the extension poultry health veterinarian for the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture for the Arkansas Cooperative Extension service, provides a lecture on avian influenza and virulent Newcastle disease. Dr. Clark provides a detailed overview of the two diseases, including details on transmission, diagnostics, and treatment.

Lecture: Avian Necropsy – YouTube

Dr. Dustan Clark, the extension poultry health veterinarian for the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture for the Arkansas Cooperative Extension service, provides a demonstrative lecture on avian necropsy. Dr. Clark discusses the importance of avian necropsy in investigating and preventing disease and demonstrates a detailed step-by-step avian necropsy examination.

Lecture: Avian Biosecurity – YouTube

Dr. Dustan Clark, the extension poultry health veterinarian for the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture for the Arkansas Cooperative Extension service, provides a lecture on the what, why, and how of biosecurity. Dr. Clark provides a detailed overview of what biosecurity is, why it’s important, and how to best implement biosecurity practices in the poultry industry to prevent the spread of disease.

Farm Tour and Biosecurity Demonstration – YouTube

Dr. Dustan Clark, the extension poultry health veterinarian for the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture for the Arkansas Cooperative Extension service, visits a poultry farm to illustrate essential biosecurity practices. Dr. Clark discusses important biosecurity principles that can be used to prevent the spread of disease and demonstrates key biosecurity practices such as protective clothing and vehicle preparation for farm visitors.

Lecture: Poultry Health and Diseases – YouTube

Dr. Dustan Clark, the extension poultry health veterinarian for the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture for the Arkansas Cooperative Extension service, provides a lecture on poultry health and disease. Dr. Clark provides a detailed overview of poultry health and diseases including poultry health status determination, bird monitoring, diagnostics, and disease treatment and prevention. Dr. Clark then discusses these topics as they pertain specifically to several common poultry diseases. 

Lecture: Avian Influenza – YouTube

Dr. Terry Conger, poultry health specialist/epidemiologist with the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services (APIS) Veterinary Services, provides a lecture on highly pathogenic avian influenza highlighting how devastating the disease can be to individual flocks and the poultry industry in general. Dr. Conger provides a detailed overview of highly pathogenic avian influenza including potential sources of initial infection, transmission routes, and signs to look for.

Lecture: Virulent Newcastle – YouTube

Dr. Terry Conger, poultry health specialist/epidemiologist with the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services (APIS) Veterinary Services, provides a lecture on one of the most severe poultry diseases in the world: virulent Newcastle disease (vND). Dr. Conger provides a detailed overview of the disease including sources, transmission routes, and diagnostics. Dr. Conger also provides a detailed case study of vND in the U.S. poultry industry to highlight the diseases’ detrimental effects.

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