WISHH Perspectives

Research Shows Pigs Benefit from Soy-Protein Diet

U.S. Soy has a large market in animal feed because of its rich nutritional value and its contribution to animal performance. Although alternatives exist, such as corn protein, and a growing supply of synthetic amino acids, research consistently shows that when compared to these alternatives, soy outperforms. Read more HERE.

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Soyfoods are Integral to Top Food Trends

Linda Funk, Flavorful Insight  • Sep 21, 2021 Twists and turns in global food and shopping trends have revealed shifts that may benefit the demand for U.S.-grown soy. Soyfoods retain their multifaceted appeal in today’s environment of quickly changing dietary

ASA-WISHH Strategic Partner Prosoya Kenya Stars in USB-funded Training

ASA-WISHH’s newest video explores how strategic partner, Prosoya Kenya, has benefitted from WISHH’s USB-funded Mobilizing Entrepreneurs to Expand U.S. Soy Utilization in Developing and Emerging Markets Initiative. The company has a high-bar mission of bringing its nutritious and affordable foods—including livestock feeds and

Logo of World Initiative for Soy in Human Health