WISHH Perspectives

Join ASA/WISHH Experts & Explorers Live: Latin American Food Processing

U.S. soybean growers are invited to explore Latin America with WISHH on June 22 during lunch breaks at 12:30 p.m. Central. Join WISHH’s 30-minute WISHH Experts & Explorers Live for insights from the exciting and growing food and beverage industry in the region.

Speak with trailblazers for U.S. soy trade during WISHH’s live discussion with experts who contribute to WISHH’s work to ensure new markets enter the U.S. soy export pipeline. WISHH Vice Chair Roberta Simpson-Dolbeare, an Illinois soybean grower, will share her own insights from a past WISHH trade team to the region. Get the latest from WISHH Latin America Project Director Marypat Corbett on the who, what, where and how of the region’s food processing sector.

Hear how WISHH is building resilience with its strategic partners and the dynamic entrepreneurs who are capitalizing on the benefits of soy for protein in human foods. WISHH’s work is on the right track for U.S. soy in Latin America. New USDA reports feature Guatemala and El Salvador as important countries for U.S. agriculture even as the countries face the challenges of COVID-19 and rebuild from the 2020 tropical storm season.  

WISHH’s ongoing strategies in the countries capitalize on the opportunities to grow U.S. soy’s presence in human foods.

Registration link:


Visual: WISHH Central America Map
Caption: U.S. soybean growers are invited to join WISHH’s June 22 webinar that will feature the growing role for soy in these Latin American countries.

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Join #ASAWISHH for a 30-minute WISHH Experts & Explorers Live: Latin America. Gain insights on soy protein in the exciting and growing food and beverage industry in the region. @ASA_Soybeans https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0of-mpqT8rHdDc8m7IcB5v8xRAk3Xb30yJ

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Logo of World Initiative for Soy in Human Health