WISHH Perspectives

Cambodian Aquaculturist Association Offers Flood Relief Support

The ASA/WISHH-supported Cambodian Aquaculturist Association (CAA) is working with hatcheries and other members with operations flooded by recent daily rain downpours; at least 10 CAA members are affected, and one member’s hatchery was completely flooded. Widespread flooding has impacted as many as 70% of the ponds in the region served by ASA/WISHH’s Commercialization of Aquaculture for Sustainability Trade (CAST)-Cambodia project.  

CAST and the new association are taking action to help farmers like Mr. Phal Veasna whose Battambang province hatchery was completely flooded, resulting in an estimated $10,000 loss. He has 9 fish ponds including the hatchery station with 4 different species – walking catfish, pangasius, silver bard and tilapia. The flood waters caused the loss of two tons of fish, including ten thousand fingerlings and Mr. Phal’s breeding stock.

In response to the unexpected situation, CAA board members came together to provide financial support, both personally and from the CAA. The flood response is a demonstration of CAA leadership. The CAST/CAA team are still gathering more information and confirming the number of association members who are also CAST beneficiaries that are affected by the historic Cambodian flood of 2020.

Photo Caption: Days of heavy rains resulted in widespread flooding in Cambodia. The ASA/WISHH-supported Cambodian Aquaculturist Association (CAA) and CAST are leading a response to help farmers who have lost fish, demonstrating the young association’s leadership.

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